Virtual Reference Service using Meebo @ Katie Zepps Nursing Library


Kate Jonson
College of Nursing

Social software tools have become a popular choice for many libraries because of their availability, easy of use and affordability.

The Katie Zepps Nursing Library has recently implemented a virtual reference service using Meebo for its students, members and staff. Meebo is a free online messaging program which allows users to monitor multiple instant messaging accounts (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ or Jabber) through one interface. Also, embedded on our library contacts page is Meebome a widget which allows our users to chat with us without the need for having an instant messaging account.

The virtual reference service was established to provide our clients with additional means of contacting us no matter where they are located. Our clients only need access to the internet and can identify whether on not we are online by checking the status of our meebome widget or buddy name ‘askkatiezepps’ on their instant messaging program.

The instant messaging interface allows library staff to chat back and forth synchronously with clients just like in the tradition face-to-face reference interview. Links, files and now internet screens can also be shared using the new Meebo rooms. Meebo rooms is a new addition to the Meebo family which allows multiple users to chat together simultaneously.

My poster presentation will display our experience of implementing and managing Meebo as a virtual reference service. The benefits of and barriers to a small library implementing a virtual reference service, and a look at future developments will also be illustrated.

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